Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/552

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Creation tales, 144

Creator, beliefs about : Amerin- dians, 481-2; Assam, 477; Bush- ongo, 442-5 ; Modocs, 143

Crescent : as amulet, Spain, 207 {pi.), 208 {pi.)

Crete: wnnowing instrument, 124

Crocodile : tooth as amulet, Spain, 212 {pi.)

Cromwell : in tales, Waterford, 120, 227

Crooke, W. : The Dasahra, 409 ; The Folklore of Irish Plants and Animals, 258-9 ; The Holi, 55- 83 ; Iron a Sacred Metal, 380 ; reviews by, 393-4. 404-7. 501-4

Crosses: Guernsey, 416, 419-20, 426

Cross-eyed persons : unluckj-, Cambs, 366

Crow : nesting lucky, Scot., 349 ; in tales, Assam, 491, Congo, 141, Cornwall, 391, Scot., 353-4

Cruden : rhymes, 355-7 ; songs, 360-2

Crustacea : (see also Crab) ; claw as amulet, Spain, 211 [pi.)

Cuckoo : marriage bird, White Ruthenians, 100, 107 ; Field's The Myth of the Pent Cuckoo reviewed, 390-1 ; omens from, Sussex, 369 ; in song. White Ruthenians, 225

Cuddapah : hook-swingings 162

Culvage : in folk-medicine, Jersey, 249

Cumulative drolls, 353-4

Cushnie : charm, 344 ; fairies, 346

Czaplicka, M. A. : The Influence of Environment upon the Re- ligious Ideas and Practices of the Aborigines of Northern Asia, 2, 34-54

Dabchick : in tale, Sussex, 391 Daisy : root in folk-medicine, Jer- sey, 250 ; in saying, Sussex, 369 Daman-i-Koh: hook-swinging, 171 Dances : Burma, 59 ; to com- municate with spirits, Azande, 308-9 ; Devil at, Quebec, 251-2, S\viss, 273 ; disapproved of, S^%iss, 273 ; Enghsh, 393 ; Holi, India, 74-6 ; after hook-swing- ing, India, 155 ; Ireland, 109- 10 ; May Day, Jersey, 243 ; morris, 393 ; Nyassaland, 458 ;

Piedmont, 279 ; ritual, Guern- sey, 416, 419, 425,-6; study of, 23-5 ; Sun, Amerindians, 148 ; sword, Yorks, 376 ; White Ruth- enians, 98-9 Days and Seasons : All Saints' Day, 273, 295 ; April, 59, 170, 351. 368, 374, 376; August, 376; Baisakh, 55, 76-7 ; Candle- mas, 353 ; Carling Sunday, 375; Chaitra, 152-3, 171. I73 : Christmas Day, 368 ; Christ- mas Eve, 368, 376-7 ; Christ- mastide, 368, 376-7, 385-6 ; December, 247-8, 368, 376-7, 385-6, 405 ; Easter Monday, 243 ; Easter Sunday, 369 ; Eastertide, 243, 369, 370, 373, 377 ; Easter Tuesday, 373 ; Epiphany Eve, 373 ; Easter's even, 352 ; February, 353 ; Guy Fawkes' Day, 376 ; Har- vest, see Harvest ; Hallowe'en, 95, 259, 286-7, 369 ; HoU, 55-83 ; Holy Thursday, 198 ; January, 74-5, 292-3, 373 ; July, 71, 369 ; June, 58, 76, 82, 94, 157-8, 369-70, 377 ; Lady Day, 369 ; Lent, 97 ; Low Sunday, 374 ; March 96, 368-9 ; May, 117, 157-8, 170, 198-9, 201, 205, 243, 281, 343, 351, 363, 368-70, 373, - 375, 387, 411-27 ; May Day, 117, 198, 201, 205, 243, 363 ; Michael- mas, 201, 279, 369 ; Mid Lent . Sunday, 370 ; JVIidsummer Day, 58, 76, 82, 94, 369-70 ; Monday, 246, 423 ; Muharram, 67, 473 ; New Year, 152, 477 ; Is'ew Year's Day, 292-3 ; New Year's Eve, 386, 405 ; November, 285-99, 374-6 ; October, 95, 259, 286-7, 369 ; Phillguna, 55-83 ; P/ls, 59 ; Royal Oak Day, 375, 387; St. Andrew's Eve, 96 ; St. Barnabas' Da}', 377 ; St. Clement's Day, 290-9 ; St. George's Day, 374 ; St. Katharine's Day, 290-9 ; St. Mark's Eve, 376 ; St. Martin's Day, 295, 374 ; St. Thomas' Day, 247-8 ; Saturday, 247 ; September, 156-7, 201, 279, 369 ; Shrove Tuesday, 375 ; Spring, 80, 503 ; Sunday, 273-4, 347. 352. 363. 373. 374. 376;