Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/555

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Eleven : in hook-swinging, India, 167

Elves : as butterflies, 204 ; de- scent of, 204

Embracing, ceremonial : Guern- sey, 416

English Folk-Dance Society's Jour- nal, The, noticed, 393

Enville : November customs, 292

Envious Friend type of folk-tales, 138, 490

Environment : influence on abori- gines of northern Asia, 2, 34-54

Epiphany Eve : procession, West- mor., 373

Epping Forest : winter lircwood right, 374

Eskimo : 43-4 ; culture, 40

Essex, see Epping Forest ; Har- low ; Loughton ; Ongar

Esthonia : poetry, 98

Even numbers unlucky : Kent, 367

Everlastings (flowers) : lucky, Cambs, 365

Evesham : tale, 374-5

Evidential Value of the Historical Traditions of the Baganda and Bushongo, On the, by E. S. Hartland, 428-56

Evil eye : amulets against, India, 63, Italy, 2, 211, Spain, 207 (pi.), 209, 211-2 ipl.) ; Channel is., 29, 245 ; of cross-eyed per- sons, Cambs, 366 ; White Ruth- enians, 95

Evil spirits, see Demons

Exhibits, 1-2, 6

Exhibits and Museum Committee, 6

Exogamy : Australia, 506

Exorcism : Abyssinia, 322

Eye : (see also Evil eye) ; as amu- lets, Spain etc., 207 (pi.), 212 (pi.) ; holy well cures. Water- ford, 119-20; miraculous cures of bUndness, E. Africa, 474-5 ; omens from, Jersey, 246

Face : ugly, made permanent by change of wind, N.E. Scot., 350

Fairies : Guernsey, 419-20 ; Ire- land, 110-7, 237-8, 280, 328, 332-3. 337. 339-40 ; jersey, 245 ; moths as, Cornwall, 203 ; Pied- mont, 279 ; Scotland, 346, 385

Fairs, see Festivals

Fairy-strokes : Mayo, 328-30

Faithful Servant type of folk- tales, 277

Faithless Mother type of folk- tales, 277

Falling stars, see Meteors

Familiar spirits : negro, 301-2

Famine : hook-swinging against, India, 164

Fanai : tiger not killed, 487

Faster's-even, Aberdeensh., 352

Fawn, see Deer

February, see Candlemas

Feet-washing : as marriage cus- tom, India, 81

Fern : blossoms. Midsummer, White Ruthenians, 94 ; bracken as Royal F., Ireland, 258 ; un- shoes horses, Guernsey, 422

Festivals and fairs : Dizanedu, Kafirs, 71 ; hiring fairs. Yorks,

375 ; Holi, India, 55-S3 ; Pied- mont, 279 ; special dishes, England, 205, France, 204 ; Scot., 343 ; wakes. Worces- tersh.. 370 ; Yorks. 375-7

Festskrift tillegnad Edvard Wester- inarck reviewed, 127-9

Fighting : brings good season, Banffsh., 343 ; ceremonial, at marriage, Morocco, 502

Fig-tree : in tale, Assam, 492

Finland : influenced White Ruth- enians, 98 ; Kullerv'o saga, 268- 271

Finn sagas: 261-2; Waterford, 232, 237-40

Fire : bonfires, Midsummer,. France, 82, Greece. 58, White Ruthenians, 94, Nov., Yorks,

376 ; in charms, Ireland etc., 66 ; customs ist Sunday after Easter, H. Savoie, 363 ; festi- vals purificatory, 504 ; in Holi, India, 56-63, 74-7 ; from lightning dreaded. White Ruth- enians, 95 ; looted fuel, Eng- land etc., 57 ; origin of Bush- ongo, 445 ; pyromancy, Greece, 1 30- 1 ; sacred, White Ruthen- ians, 94 ; warms dead. Shans, 79

Fire-walking and leaping : India, 57-8, 64-8. 80; White Ruth- enians, 94

Firstfruits : India, 61

Fish, see Haddock ; Herring ; Pike

Fishing customs and beliefs : amu- lets, 6 ; fish no physical soul.