Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/102

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Catalogue of Brand Material.

Hot-cross buns :

Cried in street with rhyme

Lozenge-shaped (obsolete) Triangular . . - Several varieties known - Saffron-cakes . . - Cracklins or Cracknels (bis- cuits) - . - - Frumenty - - - - Fish (salt, with egg-sauce) -

Freshwater fish - - - Salt herrings (colliers' treat) Fig-sue or sowan

Herb-pudding (" Passover

Pudding ") Jannocks (oaten loaves) Trodkins (oatcakes mixed

with bacon) - - - Browis (broth) - - - Calf's liver - - - - Almonds, raisins and figs

{d) Observances at Wells.

Drinking liquorice water at well - - - -

Visiting Wishing Well -

Washing Tomb from Newell Well - - - -

Dipping head in St. Mar- garet's Well - - -

(e) Observances with plants.

Adoxa Moschatellina called

Good Friday Flower Linzula Campestris called

Good Friday Grass - Mountain-ash sprigs put over

doors to keep out evil

Gorse burnt . _ .


Berks., Cornwall, North- ants., Staffs., Warwick,

London. Northants. (Hone). Lines. (Grantham). Cornwall. Suffolk (Yarmouth).


Lanes. (Blackpool).

Cornwall, Lines., Che- shire, Staffs., General in better classes.

Cheshire in inland places.

South Staffs.

Cumb., Westm., Lanes, and North Country generally.

North Country. Lanes. (The Fylde).

Lanes. (The Fylde). Lanes. (The Fylde). N. Lines. (2 villages in). Oxford (Brasenose Col- lege).

Derby (Castleton). Derby (Dale Abbey).

Lines. (Glentham).

Salop (Wellington).

(E. D. D.).

(E. D. D.).

Cornwall (Blisland, War-

leggan). Salop (near Oswestry).