Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/112

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Catalogue of Bi^and Material.


in Holy Week - - - from Monday to Thursday

in Holy Week on Good Friday

Begging lasts 2 or 3 weeks . . . by children, with or with- rhymes (generally in cos- tume and carrying sticks and baskets)

by young men with Char- acter Songs (" Jolly Lads ")

by young men with Drama

by 5'^oung men with Mas- querade (men in skins of animals, men in fancy




Lanes, (some country places in).

Manchester and district.

Northumb. (Alnwick,

Belford, Newcastle, Rothbury), Cumber- land (Whitehaven), Durham, Lanes. ( Black • burn and East Lanes.), Cheshire (Wirral, Wilm- slow, Northenden) .

Westmoreland, Lanes. (Furness, The Fylde.^ Heysham, Walton-le- Dale, Preston, Roch- dale, Rossendale(?)and Prestwich), Cheshire (Thurstaston), York- shire (York and (?) Wensleydale).

Lanes. (Bury, Manches- ter, Didsbury and dis- trict. The Fylde,2 Yorkshire (Leeds,

Otley, Sheffield) .3

1 In the Fylde and East Lanes, dancing (qy. sworddancitig?) is mentioned in connection with pace-egging,

• ^Called Ignagning: probably pronounced " iggun-aggun-ing."

3 This may be inferred from the fact that the only known printed copies of the Mummers' Play are printed at these towns and entitled "The Peace-Egg." But information as to the folk-lore of the West Riding is strangely scanty.