Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/157

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Folklore of the Banyanja.

This one used to laugh at his Brother and would not give him any meat, saying, "You are a fool; you do not know how to kill game." One day the Brother who made the plates said, "Do not go up that hill; it is bad. I have known it a long time."

The Brother said, "You are not to tell me whether I am to go. I will go."

He went up the hill and saw a buck running up it; he followed it and on the top he came to a great Snake; its mouth was wide open and bees went in and out making honey in its mouth.

The Boy said, "What is this? Never have I seen bees hiving in a snake's mouth."

The Snake said, "You have never seen this before? All right, you shall never go away again."

So the Boy died.

One of his brothers had followed him and saw the buck go up the hill and he saw his Brother die; so he went back to the village and told it.

All the brothers went to the one who was making plates and said, "Your brother is dead." He said, "Yes, I told him not to go." They said, "Go and look for him;" but he said, "No."

After three days he went up to where the Snake was and he took an axe and chopped at a stone and drew a bark rope from it.

The Snake said, "Never before have I seen this, anyone chopping at a stone and drawing a bark rope from it."

The Brother said, " You have never seen this before? All right, you shall never go away again."

Now the Snake died, and the Brother became alive again.

The Missing Camel.

There was a Man. He walked along a road and he thought to himself, "A camel has been here, blind of an