Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/179

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Folklore of the Banyanja.

Then he ran away and the children ran after him. He ran very far and they could not find him. They came home again. The parents came home and said, "Where are our clothes?" The children said, "A man came from the veldt and said, 'Lend me the clothes of your parents, and I shall bring them back.' We lent him the clothes, and then he sang:

'The children are fools,' etc.,

and then he ran and we ran after him; but he ran right away from us, so we came home."

The parents said, "Do not do it again."

The Two Lions.

Once there were two Lions and they took off their skins and pretended to be men. They went to a village and said, "We want two boys to come and live with us and be our brothers; it is very nice at our house." Two men said they would go. They did not know that these men were Lions, so they went with them. One man saw that the strangers were Lions, so he followed the four, singing:

"Shimi! Shimi! Shau!
These be fools!
They go with whom they know not and whither they know not,
Shimi! Shimi! Shau!"

The Lions said, "Be still, you will frighten them." By and bye he went away. The four came to a river. A Frog was sitting on the bank. One of the brothers wanted to kill him, and he said, "Why do you want to kill me? There is only one road over the river and I know it; who will show the road if I die?" They went through the river and by and bye they came to the Lion's house. They saw many bones lying about. The Lions put their skins on again and became Lions again. Now the boys were afraid. By and bye a skeleton of one who had been eaten said to