Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/195

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Folklore of the Banyanja.

The third time the man whose mother was dead went very far to a distant witch doctor and got a very powerful magic from him. He came back and sang, "Let all die," etc.

They all died. The man of the hut waved his horse's tail; but his magic was no use; no rain came and the dead did not wake. He saw them all dead before him and then they turned into a great river which flowed away. He sought his mother and his brothers; but he never saw them again.

The Guinea Fowl and the Fowl.

A Guinea Fowl and a Fowl became friends; the Guinea Fowl said, "Now, we are brothers."

The Fowl went to visit the Guinea Fowl, and found a pot cooking on the fire.

By and bye a friend came in and lifted the lid up. In the smoke the Guinea Fowl seemed to come out of the pot.

The Fowl said, "How did you come out of the pot?" The Guinea Fowl said, "I can always do that; it does not kill me when the pot boils."

Then they went to the Fowl's house and the Fowl set a pot on the fire.

The Guinea Fowl said, "Why do you do that?" and he said, "I want to do as you did. Put me in the pot, put water in and light the fire and when you lift the lid I shall come out." The Guinea Fowl said, "All right." When the water boiled the Fowl did not come out; it was cooked and he ate it.

The Boy and the Hare.

A Boy and a Hare went to a distant country. On the way they found a tree growing. The Hare said, "When we go farther on we shall find a brother who has built a hut. He will give us beer to drink; but very hot; and you must come back and cut a piece of this tree for a spoon to stir it with."