Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/223

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Catalogtie of Brand Material.



Religious Ceremonies.

Gospel read at wells, trees and crosses

,, in cornfields before the

Civil Wars - ,, at barrel-head in inn- cellar - - - -

Ps. civ. and " Old Hundredth sung - - -

Benedicite sung -

Intercessions offered, for sea- men, for welfare of parish, for fruits of the earth Water Ceremonies.

Authorities cross river

Authorities cross river, seize twigs, receive due from ferryman, and give water to crowd - - - -

Mayor fishes in stream and leads duck-hunt in pond -

Mayor presents prize besom or byzant, as due for use of wells - - - -

Boys dam up gutters on pre- vious days and bespatter passengers. Called " strat- ting " - - - -

Blessing Wells, see Ascension Stone Ceremonies.

Coins placed on boundary or " liberty stones " -

Boy who first reaches boun- dary stone gets is. -

Bread " scrambled for " from boundary stone

Boys pelted " battering stone," and expected re- ward if they broke it

Gospel stone strewed with flowers - - - -

Freemen admitted by bang- ing against stones


■Lichfield, Wednesbury, Wolverhampton, Bur- pham, Wallasey, Lud- low.


Stanlake (Oxon.).

Newbury (Berks.). Wallasey, 1666.

Brightlingsea(Qy.modern) . Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Cumnor (1813). Bristol.

Shaftesbury (Dorset).

Exeter. Day.

Hereford. Beverley. Flaxton (Yorks.).

Whitby. Wallasey, 1666. Newbiggin, Warkworth.