Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/234

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Catalogue of Bi'and Material.

Whit Sunday. Bread and Cheese scrambled for in Churchyard. Parishioners pay id. each and maintain right of cutting wood in Hudnalls (cf. Revel) -

Whit Monday. Maypole

erected : Cheese rolled down hill and run for by lads, to maintain right of common - - - -

" Mayor of the City " elected to defend rights of common to inhabitants of that portion of the town ^

Whit Monday. Commons held by service of drawing timber into Abbey Yard. (If they could get it out again, it was theirs)

Whit Monday. " Pole Fair " every 20 years by charter of Queen Elizabeth, freeing Corby men from road and bridge tolls. Roads barri- caded, toll exacted from strangers on pain of " pol- ing " or stocks

Festivals not connected with any special Community.

Wrekin Wakes.- (Sunday,

Monday and Tuesday) Athletic Sports,- Whit Mon- day (i6th cent.) " Convivial Assembly," - Wednesday - - -

Another mentioned by Stuke- leyi . - - -

" Scouring the White Horse" (not invariably at Whit- suntide) - - - -


Glos. (St. Briavels).

Glos. (Cooper's Hill Common, nr. Birdlip).

Berks. (Newbury).

Oxon. (Ensham).

Northants. (Corby).

Salop (Wrekin).

Leic. (Burrow Hill).

Herefsh. (Capel Jump Barrow) .

Shipley Hill. Berkshire.

1 Date of election not stated, but entry placed here for convenience.

2 Prehistoric mounds e.\ist on all these sites.