Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/237

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Catalogue of Brand Material.


Club-feasts (with processions). General in - - -

Carrying hazel-wands With morris-dancing " Breaking-out at tide- time," i.e. drunkenness " Three Kings " Club (Tues- day) - - . .

School-feasts (with pro- cessions) - - - -

{g) Business Festivals.

" Greenhill Bower " (once Municipal Court of Array) still kept up - " Rat by Meadow Mowing " (Owners let common meadow and dine on pro- ceeds with gift to Leicester Hospital) - - -

Hiring Fairs ...

(A) Other Business Transactions.

" Pentecostals, " or Whitsun

Farthings, due, 1663

,, paid, up to igth cent.

,, carried in procession

to Evesham Abbey -

" Streamers " (tinners) sell tin at Whitsuntide market

Land, called " Red Spears," held by service of riding through Penrith on Whit Tuesday, brandishing

spears - - - _

Spring-sown Selds fenced

Harvesters engaged : gloves given - - - . o


Somerset (Stoke Courcy). Wilts. (Corsley). Berks. (Kennet Valley). Sussex (Harting). Oxon. (Bampton).

Hants. (Otterbourne).

Wore. (Hanley Castle).


West Riding (Chfton and

Hartshead) . Norwich (Necton).

Staffs. (Lichfield).

Leicestersh. (Ratby). Cumberland.


Wore. (Castle Morton) .

Wore. (Ch. Honeyborn and others).


Cumberland (Hesket). Wore. (Clent).

Suffolk (Hawsted).