Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/264

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236 Short Bibliographical Notices.

Short Bibliographical Notices.

The Dramas and Dra?tiatic Dances of Non-European Races, in Special Reference to the Origin of Greek Tragedy: with an Appendix on the origin of Greek Comedy. By William RiDGEWAY, Sc.D., F.B.A. Cambridge: University Press.

I9I5- In this book Professor Ridgeway restates, with further material,, the theory advanced by him in his Origin of Tragedy, pubhshed in 1 9 10, that the Drama is based on the cult of the dead. It includes much controversial matter which it is impossible at present to discuss. An important feature of the work is the new information on the religious dramas of India and the further East, which is illustrated by a fine series of photographs.

The History of Kathlawad from the Earliest Times. By Captain H. Wilberforce-Bell. London : William Heinemann. 1916. This is a valuable account of the history of an Indian district, interesting because it is the meeting-ground of various immigra- tions of foreigners from the north, from whom many of the Rajput tribes have originated. The book contains little informa- tion on the people, their beliefs and customs, but it is clearly written, and is provided with a good series of photographs of scenery and buildings.

European and Other Race Origins. By Herbert Bruce Wannay. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co. 1916.

The theory advocated in this strange work is that many of the races of Europe and Asia originated in the dispersal of the Hebrew tribes. Much pains have been devoted to the collection of material, but it has been drawn from second-hand sources, and the conclusions arrived at will not commend themselves to anthropologists.

Books for Review sJiould be addressed to

The Editor of Folk-Lore, c/o Messrs. Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd. Adam St., Adelphi, London, W.C.