Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/309

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Their Bearing on Folklore, 281


sixty-five times bigger than the earth is the sun, and the earth is nine times bigger than the moon. The sun is more than three times as far from the earth as the moon.

So far is the heaven from earth that, if a man travelled forty miles each day, he would not come to the heaven, where the stars are, in 8000 years. If Adam had started, he would still be short by a thousand mile and more. . . . But a man's soul travels quicker — as quick as thought or light- ning. . . . Beneath the lowest heaven are four elements —

fire, air, water, earth He tells of lightning and thunder,

and explains that sound travels more slowly than light

Men say that winter thunder is seldom good ;

But between summer and winter (in April and May),

And from harvest to St. Clement's day :

Then is the thunder kind enough and lightning also.

How it is that thunder often kills man and smites down trees,

I will tell. When our Lord suffered death on earth : and bound the devil for

man. And broke down hell gates : with thunder thither he came Therefore ever afterwards : whereso the devils be, Of thunder they are so sore afraid : they know not where to flee : And they that dwell in the sky : and others as well as they, In strong fear come down : to know now whither to go, And they slay men by the way : as men may oft see.

Of lightning again he says :

For of the water cloud above : that fire is out brought. And since it comes from water : that fire will not quench.

He gives a very good description of the rising of vapour, owing to the heat of the sun and of its condensation in the colder strata of the air.

Rime — frost.

It cleaves on hedges all about : and in the woods also.