Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/330

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302 Collectanea.

Rim Rhu had a long cut-away coat of blue flowered chintz and trousers of similar red material ; the Doctor, a coat and a black bowler; and Diddle Doubt, a shovel hat. Beelzebub explained that he had started with a Tail but must have dropped it on the road.

{a) Boys' Version.

Rim Rhu."^ Rim Rhu, gallant boys, give us room to rhyme : We are going to show some activity coming on to Christmas time.. The night is young and an act is old. And an act that was never acted on a stage before. And if you don't believe me and give in to what I say, Enter in Prince George and he'll clear the way.

Prince George. From England I have sprung. I have conquered many nations, And many victories won.

Rim Rhu. What are you but an old stable lad ? You fed your horse on oats and hay. And ran away.

Prince George. You're a liar, sir !

Ritn Rhu.

Take out your pot and pay.

Prince George. Take out your sword and play.

[Fight. Prince George falls.]

Rim Rhu. A doctor ! a doctor ! Any doctor to be found To cure this man of his deep and deadly wound?

Doctor. Here comes I, a doctor, doctor true and good. I have travelled France and Germany.

  • I can make nothing of this name, and am inclined to think it merely a

corruption of "room ! room!" though "rhu" mzy ht ruad, "red."