Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/333

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Collectanea. 305

Turkish Champion. I am the Turkish Champion. From Turkey land I came To fight and cut and slash, As Prince George it is your name. To cut and fight and slash, And make man's poison of your bones. And after that beat any man in Christendom.

[Cross swords and fight.]

Prince George. Doctor ! doctor ! Any doctor to be found To cure this man of his deep and mortal wound ?

Doctor. Yes, here comes a doctor Most pure and good, And with my broadsword I will staunch this man's blood.

Prince George.

What can you cure, Doctor ?


I can cure the plague within and the plague without. The hurdy gurdy and the gout. Get me an old lady fourscore and ten, With the knucklebone of her big toe out, And I'll set in right again.

Prince George. Where do you carry your medicine. Doctor ?

Doctor. I've a little bottle in the waistband of my pants Called hocus pocus pic and pin. Arise, dead man, and fight again.

Turkish Champion. Aloft, aloft, where have I been ? And oh ! what strange and foreign lands I've seen \