Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/37

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To Creditors, £223 3 1

To Subscriptions paid in advance, 12 12 0

To Composition Fees, £26 7 0

To Less deductions, 6 6 0

20 1 0

To Balance to credit of Society,[1] 1,133 14 0

£1,389 10 1


By Cash at Bankers, £284 14 0

By Cash in hands of Secretary, 1 9 11

£286 3 11

To Sundry Debtors, 21 11 8

To Subscriptions in arrear,[2] 1915 (49), £51 9 0

To Subscriptions in arrear, 1914 (20), 21 0 0

To Subscriptions in arrear, earlier years (13), 13 13 0

86 2 0

To Investments at cost price:—

£500 Canada, 31/2% Stock, £498 15 0

£500 Natal, 31/2% Stock, 496 17 6

995 12 6

£1,389 10 1

In addition to the above there is a large stock of Publications of the Society, and also of bound volumes of the salvage stock, of which account is taken here.

  1. N.B.—No allowance has been made for an additional volume for the year 1915.
  2. Of these 30 have been long outstanding and are very doubtful.

Examined with Vouchers and Pass Book and found correct.

CHARLES J. TABOR, Hon. Auditor.

EDWARD CLODD, Hon Treasurer.

March 1st, 1916.