Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/378

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'350 Minutes of Meeting.

Dr. Gaster. Dr. Hildburgh, and His Honour J. S. Udal took part.

The meeting terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Crooke for his paper.

The following books and pamphlets have been presented to the Society during the Session 191 5-16:

AntJiropological Papers of the American Musetwi of Natural History, Vol. X. Part IV. ("The Beaver Indians," by P. E. Goddard); Vol. XI. Part. VII. (" Pawnie Indian Societies," by James R. Murie); Vol. XI. Part VIII. ("Societies of the Arikara Indians," by Robt. H. Lowie) ; Vol. XI. Part IX. (" Societies of the Iowa Kansa and Ponca Indians," by A. Skinner) ; Vol. XI. Part X. (" Dances and Societies of the Plains Shoshone," by R. H. Lowie); Vol. XI. Part XII. (" Shamanistic and Dancing Societies," by Clark Wissler); Vol. XII. Part III. ("Peruvian Textiles," by M. D. C. Crawford); Vol. XIII. Part II. ("Ceremonies of the Menomini Indians," by A. Skinner); Vol. XIII. Part III. (" Folklore of the Menomini Indians," by A. Skinner and J. V. Satterlee) ; Vol. XV. Part I. "Pueblo Ruins of the Galisteo Basin, New Mexico," by N. C. Nelson) ; Vol. XVII. Part I. (" Riding Gear of the North American Indians," by Clark Wissler); Vol. XVII. Part II. ("Costumes of the Plains Indians," by Clark Wissler); Vol. XVII. Part III. ("Decoration of Costumes among the Plains Indians," by Clark Wissler); Vol. XVIII. Part I. ( " Zuni Potsherds," by A. L. Kroeber) ; Primitive and Ancient Legal Institutions, 2 vols., by A. Kocourek and J. H. Wigmore ; The Village of Stone and its Dru'tdical Circle in Prehistoric Times, by the Rev. F. de P. Castells ; Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulleti)i 46 ("A Dictionary of the Choctaw Language," by C. Byington) ; Bulletin 57 ("An Introduction to the Study of Maya Hieroglyphics," by S. G. Morley) ; Bulletin 62 (" Physical Anthropology of the Delawares, etc.," by Hrdlecka) ; Canada Departmetit of Mines , Bulletin 19 ("A Sketch of the Social Organization