Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/39

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Report of the Brand Committee.

it must not be thought that the work of collection is completed. Wales and Scotland have been treated with tolerable thoroughness, but numerous Irish works still remain to be examined, besides the Dialect Glossaries, Local Notes and Queries, County Histories, and Archaeological Journals, of a dozen or more English counties. The cost of this to the Society will be considerable, unless voluntary workers can be found to undertake at least some part of it. Other steps which must shortly be taken are the verification of Brand's references, the examination of the interleaved copies of Popular Antiquities in the British Museum, and the study of the ancient agricultural systems of the British Isles with special reference to the influence upon agriculture ascribed to the solar and lunar phenomena. The Committee must therefore conclude by appealing again for workers, even for workers who in these strenuous days can only give a small portion of their time to the task.

Henry B. Wheatley,
Chairman of Committee.