Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/431

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The Folkloi'c of Shakespeare. 403

in Italy than in Spain. The name of " San Giacomo Apostolo" was not understood by the Spanish people, who corrupted it into Compostela, which was added to the Spanish name of Saint James (Sant Jago) ; the place of pilgrimage being known by the united names.

26. St. An?ie, viotlier of the Virgin Mary. Her name is twice used by Shakespeare. Sly swears by St. Anne in Taming of the Shrew as the Clown does in Twelfth Night.

A ttgiist. " You sunburn'd sicklenien, of August weary, Come hither from the furrow, and be merry."

Te?npest, iv. 134.

I. LaiHjnas Day. Lady Capulet and the Nurse confer on the age of Juliet. Nurse asks, " How long is it now to Lammas tide . " to which question Lady Capulet answers, " A fortnight and odd days." Njirse. " Even or odd, of all days in the year, come Lammas-eve at night shall she be fourteen " {Rojneo and fuliet, i. 3).

In the Roman calendar the first of August is dedicated to Faith, Hope, and Charity. Ophelia sings, " By Gis and Saint Charity " {Hamlet, iv. v. 59).

12. St. Clare, first abbess of the Poor Clares. Isabella wishes "a more strict restraint upon the sisterhood, the votarists of Saint Clare" {Measure for Measure, i. 4. 5).

24. St. Bartholomezv. " Like flies at Bartholomew-tide, blind though they have their eyes " {Henry V. v. 2. 336).

The saturnalia of Bartholomew Fair at Smithfield took place at Bartholomew-tide, and one of the chief delicacies sold there was roast pig. Doll Tearsheet calls Falstaff "a little tidy Bartholomew boar pig" {2 Henry IV. ii. 4. 250).

September. 1 4. Holy rood Day or Holy cross Day —

" On Holyrood day, the gallant Hotspur there, Young Harry Percy, and brave Archibald, That ever-valiant and approved Scot, At Holmedon met." i Henry IV. i. i. 52.