Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/440

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412 Collectanea.

Totemisvi i?i Britain. Ibid. iii. p. 217-242, 350-375, 1889.

Notes 0)1 Primitive Reside /ices. iv. p. 259-285, 1890.

Conditions for the Survival of Archaic Custom. Ibid. p. 422-438. Bibliography of Follilore Publications in English.

Folk-Lore Record, v. p. 55-80; F.L. Journal, i. p. 77-84, 344-350; i'- P- 197-206. Science of Folk-Lore (Presidential Address). Ibid. iii. p. 387-394. Coorg Folk-Lore. Ibid. vii. p. 295-306.

A Highland Folk-Tale. Folk-Lore, i. p. 197-206.

Recent Research on Institutions (Presidential Address).

Ibid. ii. 1 89 1, p. 1-30. Presidential Address. Ibid. x. p. 65-69, 1894.

Ethnological Data in Folk-Lore. Ibid. x. 1899, p. 129-143.

Recent Questions on Topographical Changes ifi Lofidoji.

London Topog. Record, iii. 1905, p. 1-9.

Status of the London County Council. Read before the Society of Arts, 1889, Address to the London Topographical Society, 16th Dec, 1903.

Story of London Maps.

Journal Roy. Geograph. Soc. xxxi. Nos. 5 and 6, pp. 459-509. 616-640. Sociology the basis of Enquiry into Primitive Culture.

Sociological Review, 1909.

On the Bee Cult in British Folk-Lore. Read before the British

Association, 1904. On the Origin of Totemism. Read before the British Association,

1907, Latest Facts about Bacon, Pt. i. ii.

Colburn's New Monthly Mag. viii. 1876. Some Traditions and Superstitions connected with Dwellings.

Antiquary, vol. iii. p. 8-13. Field Names : Allotments to Farly Village Officers.

Antiquary, iii. p. 252-256. Archaic Land Customs in Scotland. Ibid. iv. p. 243-245.

Nottingham Borough Records. Ibid. vii. p. 148- 151.