Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/487

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Teyron, 55

Thomas, N. : Anthropologj^ and

Folk-lore in West Africa, 447 Thongs : used in fire-making, 357 ;

thong-drill, used in fire-making,

357 Thread-the-Needle, Sg, 203 Tiger, the, and the Trap : tale of,

130 Toberconnell : sacred well at,

271 Tomb: sleeping on, 216 ; washing

of, from Newell Well, 74 Tonga Islands : folk-tales from,

426 et seqq Trade festivals at \Miitsuntide,

207 Trantimas : Trinity season, 215 Treacherous Wife : tale of, 64 Treasurer, Honorary, of the

Society : appointment of, 3 Trinity Fair, tlae, 213 ; Sunday,

37,212 Trodkins, oat-cakes : baked on

Good Friday, 74 Tiiatha de Danann, the, 31, 37, 38 Tuesday : fasting on, 290 Tutbury Castle : destruction of,

240 Twin Brothers, the : tale of, 34 Two Brothers, the : tale of,

128 Two Lions, the : tale of, 151

Udal, His Honour J- S. : exlfibi-

tion of photographs of Fire

Customs in Fiji, 115 Uganda, Iving of : fires put out at

his death, 366 ei seq. Universe, the : savage beliefs

regarding, 20 Unlousing Day : Easter ^londay,

86 Unsleeping Lamp, the, 376

Vadal tribe : use of fire as a protection, 360

Vairge Day : Rogationtide, 193

Valentine's Eve, 273

Valley of Reeds, the : tale of, 163

Vegetables : sown on Good Fri- day, lucky, 73

Veldt Dwellers, the : tale of, 150

Vice-Presidents of the Society : election of, 2

Village feasts at V/liitsuntide, 208

Wading into the sea and prayer for kelp, 70

Wales, North : betrothal custom, 432

Walking barefoot to church on Good Friday, 76

Wannay, H. B. : European and Other Race Origins reviewed, 236

Wappyns chairing, 97

War : affecting the weather, 308

Wardstaff, the : cutting of, 96

Washing feet of the poor, 69

Water ceremonies : at Corpus Christi, 215 ; at perambulation of boundaries, 195 ; at Trinity season, 212, 214 ; at Whitsun- tide, 202 ; divination at Easter, 81

Webster, H : Rest Days reviewed, 445 et seq.

Well : curative powers of, in Ireland, 257 ; dressing of, 212 ; observances at Ascension Day, igS, 200 ; on Easter Monday, 92 ; on Good Friday, 74 ; at Trinity season, 214 ; folk- beliefs regarding, in Monmouth- shire, 417 ; a miraculous, 425.

Westropp, Mr. T. J. : on "Folk- lore and Legends from the Coasts of Counties Mayo and Gal way," 99, 225

Wetting the Candleblock : cus- tom, 371

WHiarton, Mr. L. C. : on " Recent W^orkin Slavonic Folklore," 325

Whissle : Whitsun Monday, 212

Whit-hunt, the, 205

Whitsun Ales, 204

Whitsunbank Hill : fair at, 207

Whitsuntide observances, 201 ; in Shakespeare, 407

Wicked Sparrow, the : tale of, 311

Widows : purification of, by means of fire, 365

Wife, Abandoned, the : tale of, 47 ; Treacherous, the : tale of, 64

Wilberforce-Bell, Capt. H. : His- tory of Kathiawad from the Earliest Times reviewed, 236

Will for power, the : among primitive races, 23

Wind : controlling the weather at Easter, 93