Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/98

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Catalogue of Brand Material.

Parochial Love-Feast of Reconcilia- tion ------

WALES. I. Natural Phenomena. Unnecessary work might be punished by

lightning -----

Important to do good on this day - Schoolboys set up a target and pelted it

with pebbles -----


St. Clement's, East- cheap (1491, 1691).

South Wales. South Wales.

South Wales.

SCOTLAND. II. Observances.

A man waded into the sea at mid- night and prayed for much kelp (for manure) - - - - Hebrides (?). Porridge was poured into the sea

for the same purpose - - Hebrides (?).



" Cropping Thursday " (men had

their hair cut before Easter) - Lei trim.


ENGLAND. I. Natural Phenomena.

Rain on, affects crops - - - Snow on, causes snow in May Parsley sown on, will prosper

,, ,, will last all the


,, ,, will not come

double other- wise Stocks sown will come double Beans sown will prosper Pease will " grow goody " - An egg laid on, keeps good and cures colic - _ - -

Devon, Hereford, etc. Salop (Oswestry). Cheshire.

Surrey, Devon, all Anglia.


Wore, Surrey, Suffolk. Wore. (Alvechurch). Wore, Devon. Devon.
