Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 28, 1917.djvu/110

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78 Catalogue of Brand Material.

" Boys " gather 10 iv}-- locality.

leaves, put g under pillow - - - - Lei trim.

Pull yarrow plant, repeat- ing charm, put under girl's pillow - - - Leitrim. Wicklow.

Creep under looped briar (one rooted at both ends) in Devil's name, cut it, and put under pillow - Leitrim.

Comb your hair before the glass in the name of the Trinity - - - Connaught.

To procure visions or apparitions :

Go round a looking-glass three times, stick pins in an apple ; future partner seen in glass.

Wash garment in running brook {vav., at the fire) ; lover will come and turn it . - - - Connaught.

Throw ball of yarn into limekiln [vav., from win- dow, and repeat Pater- noster backwards). Wind up, and ask, " Who holds my clue ? "

Sow hempseed with charm ; lover mows.

Eat half of handful of new wheat, throw rest into stream ; future husband will take hold of girl to prevent her falhng in - Connaught.

Winnow grain in riddle (sieve).

Rake round rick nine times ; destined partner will take rake - - - Co. Leitrim.

Run round haystack three times, and stick black- handled knife in ; who draws it out is destined partner.