Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 28, 1917.djvu/203

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Catalogue of Brand Materia/.


ip) Legends current.

Blacksmiths, as tool-makers, admitted to share feast at erection of Solomon's Temple, if dirt washed off -

Blacksmiths adjudged by King Alfred " the first of trades," because tool- makers to all others ; tailors jealous - - -

" Old Clem " was the first man to shoe a horse

(c) Begging Customs.

Children and young man beg for ale and apples with rhymes.^ See St. Katha- rine's Day.

Called Clemmening

Called Clemancing

Called Gooding -

(d) Afuitsements.

Catching apples with teeth, hence called Bite-apple Day (cf. Hallowmas)

III. Business Transactions.

Municipal accounts settled. Apples

scrambled for by crowd - Episcopal rents due Sheep-fair attended by farmers.

" Clemen ty Cakes " on sale


Sussex (Steyning).


Sussex and South Staffs, Warwicksh. Leic. (Bosworth). Rutland.

South Staffs.

Walsall. Durham.

Bucks. (Lambourne).



Effig}.^ of carpenter tied to church steeple on Eve, paraded round village on Day with rhyme be- queathing garments to local car- penters, stripped and picked to pieces by crowd - - - .

Typical rhynie-

Pembrokeshire. (Locahty not stated.)

Clemeny, Clemeny, year by year.

Some of your apples and some of your beer" (etc.).