Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 28, 1917.djvu/427

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The Killing of the Khazai' Kings. 393.

middle of the river is an island, in which the king resides. The palace of the king stands on the extremity of this island, and is connected by a bridge of boats with one of the two sides of the town. In this town are many Moslims and Christians, Jews and pagans. The king, his suite, [and the Khazar of his army,i] embraced the tenets of the Jews, in the reign of er-Rashid. To this king flock the Jews from all the Aloslim districts, and from the Byzantine empire ; for the emperor forced the Jews of his dominions to turn Christians, and loaded the converts with favours. The present [332, a.h.] Byzantine emperor is Armanus (Romanus II.). . . .

" One of the various Pagan nations who live in his [the king of the Khazars] country are the Sekalibah (Scla- vonians), and another the Rus (the Russians). They live in one of the two sides of this town : they burn the dead with their cattle, utensils, arms, and ornaments. When a man dies, his wife is burnt alive with him ; but, when the wife dies, her husband is not burnt. If a bachelor dies, he is married after his death. Women are glad to be burnt ; for they cannot enter into Paradise by themselves. This usage prevails also among the Hindus, as we have said. But the Hindus never burn a woman with her husband, unless it is her own wish.

" The majority of the population of this country are Moslims ; for the standing army of the king consists of Moslims. They are called al-Larisians, and come from Khowarezm ; whence they emigrated at an early period, after the spreading of the Islam ; on account of drought and plague which had visited their country. They are brave, good soldiers, and form the strength of the king of the Khazars in his wars. They fixed certain conditions under which they would establish themselves in his country ; one of these conditions was, that they should be allowed to profess publicly the Islam ; to build mosques and call out 1 " These words are left out in some copies." (Translator's note.)