Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 28, 1917.djvu/493

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Folk Tales from Co. Limerick — cont. Believe in the Fairies, 218 Cat, the, 219 Chanie Man, the, 208 Child that never came back, the,


Cusheen Hill, 212

Dead Hand, the, 220

Fight with a Ghost, a, 213

Head-hunting in Formosa, iiS

Longoboa and the Talking Buko Tree, 96 et seqq.

Master Thief, the, 411

Mile Stone, the, 214

Ould Hare, the, 214

Piggin, the, 209

Playing Dead Twice in the Road, 409

Runaway Road, the, 208

Tailor, the, 217

Taken by the Good People, 218

Twenty Years with the Good People, 215

Unfinished Chapel, the, 211

Voyage of Kae, 94 et seqq. Formosa : Life of the Mountain

People in, 115 et seqq. Fowler, Lady A. : on " Influence of

an Expectant Mother," ^22etseq. Foy : a ploughman's farewell

supper, 167 Frazer, Sir J. G. : "The Killing

of the Khazar Kings," 3S2 et

seqq. ; "The Cursing of Vene-

zelos," 133 et seqq. Freeman, H. A. : the "Coirligheile

puzzle," 332 French, the : landing on West

Ireland, 448 Frigate-bird : possessing super- human powers, 367 Frog : swallowing a, 313 Funeral cakes, 306

Game killing in Formosa : re- moval of tabu against, 122

Garters : heirlooms of brides, 315

Geese : omen from, 167

Geometry, Egyptian, 268 et seqq.

Ghost : laying of, 312 ; appearing in form of a fish at Christmas- tide, 418 ; stories, 313 ; waggon, the, 327

Giants in West Ireland, 185

Gods : connexion of, with eggs in Easter Island, 343 ; waking of a, 323 et seqq.

Going a chubbing, progging, beg- ging, on 5th November, 82, 300

Gomme, Sir L. : reviev/ of his work in Anthropology and Folk- lore, 12 et seqq. ; bibliography of his works, 106

Goodening, gooding, begging, 299, 300

Gough, Miss E. G. : "Folklore from Ireland," 101 et seq.

Gowayes Day, 5th November, 81

Graebner, Dr. : his theory of culture-contact, ;^^

Grain, new : use of, in Formosa, 123

Grania Uaile : legend of, 438 et seqq.

Grant, C. F. : "Negro Proverbs collected in Jamaica, "3156^ se^^.

Guild : festival at Hallow E'en, 60 ; plays at Hallow E'en, 79

Guisarding at Hallow E'en, 58

Gunpowder Treason Day, 53, 81

Guy Fawkes' Day, 5th November, 81 ; ef&gy paraded, 83

Hallontide Eve : Hallowmas, 53 Hallow E'en : fire customs, 55 Hallowmas, 53 ; Kirn or Harvest Home, 73 ; Eve, Hallow E'en,

53 Haloa festival : bull-fights at, 151 Hampshire : folklore from, 102

et ssq. Hanging iNIonth, November, 52 Hartland, E. Sidney : on "Avril-

Bread," 305 et seqq. ; review of

Barker, W. H., Sinclair, C,

West African Folk-tales, 322 et

seq. Harvest ritual in Formosa, 120,

122 Hatkar caste : cow worship among,

157 Head-hunting in Formosa, 116

et seq. Heated coins flung at a wedding,

311 Hedgehogs : folklore of, 325 ei seq. Hempseed : sowing of, at Chrst-

mastide, 418 Henhouse door, the : tapping at,

at Christmastide, 419 Himalaya, the : folklore from,

323 et seqq. Hiring Fairs : at Hallow E'en,

67 ; on 9th November, 167