Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 28, 1917.djvu/495

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Martinmas, IMartlemas, St. Mar- tin's Day, 164

Mata : flint implements in Chat- ham Island, 358

Mataa : implements of obsidian in Easter Island, 357

Mayors : banquet of, at Hallow E'en, 67

Maypole, the, 250

Mecca : stone-flinging at, 449

Meetings of the Society, i et seqq. ; 113 et seq., 225 et seqq.

Melanesian influence on culture of Easter Island, 377 ; type of figures in Easter Island, 360

Melchizedek, 284

Merrybone, the : weather omen from, 167

Mexican Indian superstitions, 328 et seqq.

Mischievous Night : Hallowmas, 53 ; Gunpowder Treason Eve,


Mistletoe, the, at Christmastide, 422

Mock friar : procession of, 303

Month : of the dead, November, 52 ; of mourning, November, 52

Moriori, the : culture of, 358

Mother, expectant : influence of, 332 et seq.

Moto Nui : islet near Easter Island, 344

Moutray Read, Captain A. : " Country Tales from Cornwall," 317 et seq. ; Miss D. H., " Hamp- shire folklore," 102 et seq.

Muck-olla : procession at Hallow E'en, 79

Mummers : at Hallow E'en, 57 ; not to be sent away unre- warded at Christmas, 420 ; Play at Hallow E'en, 69

Mumping, begging, 300

Murray, Miss M. A. : on "Organi- sations of Witches in Great Britain," 22S et seqq. ; on " Egyptian Mythology," 331 et seq.

Natural phenomena : at Hallow E'en, 67, 74, 79 ; on 9th November, 167 ; on St. Cle- ment's Day, 175 ; on St. Andrew's Day, 1 76 ; on St. Thomas' Day, 299 ; at Christ- mastide, 415

Negro : folktales, provenience of,

408 et seqq. ; proverbs collected

in Jamaica, 315 et seqq. New Zealand : Maori culture in,

358 Nigeria : bull-baiting in, 149 Nosairis, the, 291 Nos cyncalan ganaf : Hallowmas,

61 November : Hanging Month,

Month of the Dead, Month of

Mourning, 52 ; Eve, Hallowmas,

67, 74 ; customs of, 52 Nutcrack Night : All Hallow

Eve, 53, 74 Nutons, the, 328 Nutshells : games with, at Hallow

E'en, 58, 65, 76, 80

Oath : on burning camphor, 104 et seq.

Odd numbers : tabu of, at Christmastide, 419

Oidche Shamhna : All Hallows' Eve, 74

Oie Houney : All Hallows' Eve, 79

Olympos : origin of the name, 177

Omens : at Hallow E'en, 61 ; from birds in Formosa, 131 ; of weather on Lord JNIayor's Day, 165 ; from a rattling window, 312 ; from pigeons, 312 ; of weather, at Christmas- tide, 415

Onion : laid on altar at Christmas- tide, 418

Organisations of witches in Great Britain, 228 et seqq.

O Sapientia Day : 1 6th December, 298

Owls : omens from, 167 ; beliefs regarding, 329

Pack Rag Dav, 12th November,

164 Paddle : used in dancing in

Easter Island, 340 Paganism in Great Britain in

early Christian times, 229 Papuan type of wooden figures in

Easter Island, 359 Parayan caste : buil-racing among,

149 Parents : powers of, in Formosa,

127 Parsnip Day : St. Thomas' Day,