Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 28, 1917.djvu/498

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Teanlay Night : Hallowmas, 53 Tenancies and situations entered

on at Hallow E'en, 80 Tern bird : cult of, in Easter

Island, 372 Thar, tharf : cakes, 85 Thomasing, begging, 300 Threshold : blood sprinkled on,

168 Thrush : a charm for, 311 Tiryns : fresco found at, 142 Toda tribe : chasing of buffaloes,

152 et seq. Tongue : tip of, used as a charm,

315 Treasurer, honorary, of the

Society : appointment of, 3 Tree planting at Hallow E'en, 67 Turks : their relations with Serbia,

40 Turpin, Dick : legend of, 317 Tutbury : bull-baiting at, 159 Tylor, Sir E. : review of his

work, 12 et seqq.

Umor, sons of : legend of, 180

Vaphio : cups found at, 141 Venezelos : the cursing of, 133

et seqq., 449 Viands : special, on Guy Fawkes'

Day, 84 ; at Hallow E'en, 63,

69, 76, 79 ; on St. Thomas'

Day, 303 Vice-Presidents of the Society :

appointment of, 2 Village community, the : origin

of, 29

Waits : play on Guy Fawkes' Day, 82

Waking of the god, 323 et seqq.

Walpurgis Night, 248

Water-horses in Ireland, 89

Weather : omens, at Hallowmas, 54 ; on Lord Mayor's Day, 165 ; in November, 52 ; proverbs, 52, 313

Westropp, T. J. : on " Legends of the Connacht Coast," 180 et seqq.

Wheat : sowing of, beginning on 9th November, 167

Wheatley, Dr. H. B. : obituary of, 222

Window rattling : omen from, 312

Wizard's Collection : sale of, 321 ei seq.

Witches : definition of, 233 ; assemblies, 247 ; at Hallow E'en, 67 ; meetings of, 247 ; discipline among, 241 ; capital punishment of traitors, 241 ; rites of admission to companies, 242 ; connected with fairies, 257 ; mark, 244 ; in Cornwall, 318

Witchcraft : in Great Britain, 451 ; at Hallow E'en, 55, 63 ; in Mexico, 329 et seq.

Women : conservatism of, in Serbia, 45 ; not to be first- comers at Christmastide, 420

Wood : touching of, 88

Word ale : at Hallow E'en, 60

Work : tabu of, at Christmastide,

Writing, hieroglyphic Island, 353

in Easter