Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 7, 1896.djvu/466

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Green Lady, The, 414 ; Plough- man, The, and the Fairies, 301 ; Tombland Fair Buttons, 251

Norse Invasions, Epic Poems on, 266-267

North Indian Notes and Queries, summarized by W. H. D. R., 91, 204, 314, 405

November settlements {see St. Mar- tin's Day), 204, 372-375

Nurse Tinder and the Fairies, Irish folktale, 172

Oak, lightning-struck, lucky, 381 ;

Sanctuary, 381-3S2 Oaths, 313-315 Obituary notices ; Capt. J. G. Bourke,

317 ; Prof. Child, 416 Odin's Horse, Yggdrasili, by Eirikr

Magnusson, reviewed, 74 Odin Worship, Survival of, in Kent,

298 Oisin and Caoilte, tales of, 185 Omens, see India Oral transmission of legends (^see

Fiji), 61 Ordeals, 315, 403-404 Orientation, pagan origin of, 54 Ossianic Society, 322, 330 Otherworld, and Underworld, Irish

tales of, 184 Oxfordshire, Medicinal lore, 269

Pagan Ireland, an Archaeological Sketch and Hand-book of Irish Pre-Christian Antiquities, by Col. W. G. Wood-Martin, reviewed, 67

Pagan sites of Christian churches, 47-

Paganism and Christian parallels, 77; persistence of, 48-50 ; in Ireland,

Papers read, at British Association, 30 ; at Evening Meetings of Folk- lore Society, 31

Passion Play of Castelnuovo, Cana- vese, 197-198; of Oberammergau, 198

Paton (W. R.), Easter Day at Myn- dus, Asia Minor, 297

Peacock (Mabel), Executed Criminals and Folk-Medicine, 268 ; The Hood-game at Haxey, Lincoln- shire, 330 ; Dozzils, 399

Personal Experiences in Witchcraft, by Dr. A. M. McAldowie, 309

Peru, funeral masks in, 360

Phoenicia, funeral ma.sks in, 360

Plants, Local names for, in Hereford- shire, by Harriett G. M. Murray- Aynsley, 91

Ploughman, The, and the Fairies, by P. II. Emerson, 301

Powell (F. York), review of The Voyage of Bran, son of Febal, trs. and ed. by Kuno Meyer ; and of an Essay on the Irish Vision of the Happy Other-world, and Celtic Doctrine of Rebirth, by A. Nutt, 184

Presidential Address, by Edward Clodd, 35

Prince Nilkanth, Indian folktale, 409

Prince, The, and the Snake, Indian folktale, 408

Princess, The Discarded, Indian folktale, 210

Princess. The, with Golden Hair, Hebrew fairy-tale, 232

Proceedings, i, 2, 27, 160, 251, 252,

349 Proverbs and Sayings, Staffordshire,

375> 377 Psatha {cf. Corn-maiden), Lesbos, 147 Psychical Research, Society for, 37

Qualities, transference of, and trans- mission, 43-45, 280-281

Quicken-tree, The, of Dubhros, by Leland L. Duncan, 321

Rabbit, The, and the Monkey, Indian

folktale, 94 Rappresentazioni Popolari in Pie- monte. La Passione Canavese, pub- blicata e commentata da Costantino Nigra, e Delfino Orsi, reviewed, 197 Raziel, The Angel, 202-203 Re-birth, Celtic doctrine of, 184 Relics, Healing, in England, 282 Religious element in Folklore, 219 Report, Annual, of Council, 2S-34 Rescue of Sita, The, Indian folktale,

85 Reviews, Les Fabliaux, par J. Bedier, 61 ; Contes Poptilaiies des Bassoutos, par J. Jacottet, 65 ; Pagan Ireland, by Col. W. G. Wood-Martin, 67 ; The Jdtaka, edited by Prof. E. B. Cowell, 68 ; An Introduction to Folklore, by Marian Roalfe Cox, 70 ; latnblichus on the Mysteries,