Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 8, 1897.djvu/414

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3/8 Correspondence.

calves, &c. ; but I do not recollect an instance of what the Scotch would call a wraith appearing in animal form.

Mabel Peacock. Dunstan House, Kirton-ifi-Litidsey, 22 March, 1897.

Italian Amulets.

Professor Belluni, of the University of Perugia, in a recent letter to the President, draws attention to his collection of Italian amulets as particularly interesting to students of folklore, and kindly expresses the hope that members of the Society who may visit the city of Perugia will come and see him. He will be much gratified to meet them, and to show them the results of his studies and researches in Italian folklore.