Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 8, 1897.djvu/426

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390 Miscellaned.

One case is known in Monaghan where wrapping a man in brown paper and vinegar cured him of scarlatina.

A wedding-ring in some parts of Ireland is said to cure " wild fire," and a blue ribbon round the neck acts as a charm against croup.

Jandy Well. Dip in this well, which is in Monaghan, and hang rags about it, and if you have jaundice you will get well. The people of this part pronounce jaundice as " jandice," or "jandy."

One man in Ulster dipped in a bog-hole at midnight, and in three or four days was cured of erysipelas ; this is related as a fact.

Buttermilk is used as a cure for ringworm by country-folk in many districts now ; it was used for this purpose over fifty years ago in Scotland.

Poteen : the first running is used in Ireland in various parts for rheumatism.

In King's County, near Templeharry (about two miles from Cloughjordan), are some " Old Ruins," which are believed to be the remains of a monastery, though the people are not sure about it. Here there is a hollow tree which always has water in it ; if you have a wart, in order to get rid of it, you have only to wash in the water and it will disappear.

John H. Barbour.

I, Hamilton Villas,

Ballyhohne, Bafigor,

Co. Down, Ireland.

The Painswick Dog-pie.

On Painswick feast-day, which is kept on the first Sunday after September 19th, it used to be a general custom for people to partake of plum-pies in which the china figure of a dog had been baked. No one owns to following the custom now; but if any do so, they make the pies at home, an ordinary meat pie such as is made in any household, with the dog inside it. It was not necessary that the pie should be a plum-pie, so long as a china dog was inside. I have been trying for a long time, without success, to get one of these little figures. Miss Mendham,. of