Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 8, 1897.djvu/438

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Annual meeting, and annual report of Council, 19, 20

Anteuil, the bull of, 364

Anthropology, requirements of its students, 163

Anthropomorphic conception of a divinity, its development, 325

Antlers and head of deer, claim to, by hunters, 311, 316

Aphrodite, 155, 264, 349, origin and names, 264, 265, in modern Greek folklore, 276, chained statue of, 341

Apis, ritual connected with, 344

Apollo, 155, images carried about at Sikyon, 337, chained at Tyre, 343, the Delian, 344, Smintheus, the mouse associated with, 264

Apollonia, rites in Sikyon, 337

Apollodorus, on the imprisonment of Ares, 349

Apsarases, the, 328

Aptha or thrush, cures for, 180, 186

Arabian folklore, Arabian Nights quoted, 221, 267, 341, 347

Arc, Jeanne d', 35, 373

Arcadians, see Arkas

Archaeologia, cited, 310

Argyllshire, folklore of, 203-256, 297

Ares, statue of, carried in processions 337, fettered, 341, legend of his imprisonment, 349, possibly a chthonic deity, 351, 354, possible analogy with Indian god-capture and other rites, 353, and with Osiris, 354

Argonauts, the, diffusion of the tale, 267

Argos and the Argives, their image of Hera, 338

Aricia, sacred tree of, 11

Ariel, a Breton parallel to, 348

Ark, the, of the Israelites, 341, its tabu, 344

Arkas, ancestor of the Arcadians, 155

Artemis, (see also Athena and Diana) and the Brauronia, 155, nature of her cult, 263, image carried about at Sikyon, 337, arms of her image at Ephesus, 341

Artificial arms etc., of various idol-gods, 341.

Arthur, King, and English fairy literature, 37, 53, locale of tales, 365, and Huon of Bordeaux, 37, 38, 41, supernatural birth, 49, 50, charmed sleep in Avalon, 197, and Kulhwch, 303

Aryan, Conquest of N.W. India, its character, 268, cults, opposed to serpent worship, 284, 285, death and burial customs, 350, 368, 369, matriarchal stage, 368, 369, 372, origin of fairy creeds and of modern European folklore, 369, matriarchal stage, 369, 371, 372, sex-words, 371

Asârh, an Indian month, 334

Asbjörnsen, P. C., devil-binding tale, 347.

Asclepios Agnitas, associated with trees, 264

Ascot-under-Wychwood, morris-dancers of, 317

Ashes of the dead preserved in jars or urns, 350

Asia Minor divination, 85, birth-customs, 379

Ass, in the Lion's skin, the, a parallel tale, 161

Ass employed in curing mumps, 15

Assyriology, authorities on, 356, 359

Asthal Leigh, morris-dancers of, 317

Astrology, 101

Atarantians, abusiug the sun-god, 339

Atharva-Veda, its rubrics, 357

Athena, or Athene, (see also Artemis and Diana) 155, legends and names of, 261, 344, connection with agriculture, 262, as Nìke Apteros, 342

Athenæus, on the stolen images of Hera, 338

Athenian idols, at Aegina, legend of, 336, Nìke Apteros, 341, 342

Athens, Kylonian suppliants at, 343

Atkinson, (J. C), Supernatural Change of Site, 279

Atlantis, submerged island of, 291

Attic imprecations, 361

Aurangzeb as iconoclast, 336

Aurvendill and similar names in relation to Orendel, 290, 293, 294, 301

Australian Legendary Tales: Folklore of the Noongaburrahs as told to the Piccaninnies, collected by Mrs. K. Langloh Parker, with Introduction by Andrew Lang, reviewed, 56

Avalon, 37, 197

Axe, the, of Tenedos, 263

Axe-money in West Africa, 263

Axillary tumours, cure for, 389

Aztec cage for gods of conquered nations, 345