Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 8, 1897.djvu/455

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McGovern of Glans, his cure for

hydrophobia, 387 Maclain Direach parallel to Orendel,

295, 299, and other tales, 304, 305,

306 Mackinlay, (J. M. ), The Hood Game

at Haxey, 173 Maclac^an, (R. C.), Ghost Lights of

the West Highlands, 203 MacPhail, Malcolm, Folklore from

the Hebrides. II., 380 Maces used in Oxfordshire festivals,

308, 309, 314. 315 Madras, concealed gods of, 345, 352 Maenads, ecstasy of, 48 Mag Slecht, agricultural rites of, 44,


Magic as opposed to religion, 63, 338 ]\Iagic, sympathetic and mimetic, 65 Magical appliances, of Babylonian exorcist, 357, of Indian exorcist, 331, 332, of Neapolitan witch, 3-8, of Fiote Ns;a7iga, 136, 146, comb, an obstacle to pursuit, 267, gifts, 292, 298, 302, sought for, 298, wand, an Indian form of, 329 Magnet, used in witchcraft, 7 Magnussen, Finn, Yggdrasill, 360 Mahadeva Ravaneswara, Lingam of,

and parallels, 338 "Maid of the Mill," Oxfordshire morris-dancers' song, 318, words and air, 322 Maids of the daughter of Mycerinus,

their handless statues, 341 Man, Isle of, see Isle of Man Manadhs or death-warnings, 203, 205, 213, and Will o' the Wisp, 215, 221, 240, 241, deer as, 383 Manchuria, Marriage custom in, 177 Mandan buffalo dancers, 71 Mandeville, Sir John, true character

of his book, 361

Manning (Percy) Some Oxfordshire

Seasonal Festivals, with notes on

morris-dancing in Oxfordshire, 307

Mantineia, temple of Kora at, its

veiled image, 344 Mantras, (spells or charms) 327, how

employed. 328, 330, 348 Manu, the fish-progenitor of Vishnu,

352 Maori Tales and Legeiids, collected

and re told by Kate McCosh Clark,

reviewed, 165 Marks on Ancient Monuments, by

C. G. Leland, 86

Mars, see Ares

Marsh- and water-spirits, {see Dreug, Will-o'-the-Wisp etc.) of equine form, 71, 383

Marriage, charms for, in Oxfordshire, 311, customs and rites, {sec Hera, Swan-maiden, Wedding-ring) Ba- bylonian, 85, by capture, 84, 363, Drevlyan, 84, Hebrew, 84, Indian, of the Korwas, 269, Manchurian, 177, Palestinian, 176, Scotch, 92, 399, Slavonic, 84, 86, Staffordshire, 91, Welsh, 363, connected with water, 84, 176, lucky and unlucky days for, 92, 381, presence of married people unlucky at wed- dings, 91, of a child lucky, 92

Marriage Superstitions by E. S. Hartland, 92

Masks, of Mandan buffalo-dancers, 71, Mexican, for idols, 345, Indian death-masks, 347

Mass, the, profaned by Italian witches, 2, 4

Mathura, idol at, 336

Matriarchy, [see Amazon, Artemis, Mother-right,) in Africa, 164 ; among the Aryans, 368, 371, cast aside by the Celts, 369, cause of its rejection, 372

Matsya Purana, the, quoted on idol ritual, its date etc., 327

May-Day and May-tide, in relation to Irish witches, 17, observances, 70, the HolDby Horse, 71, Oxford- shire festival observances at, 307

May Eve, Manx superstitions, 207

May-pole, at Ducklington, 312

Measles, treatment for, 387, 382

Measurement, remedy for diseases, 185

Medea's father, see ^etes

Medicinal folklore, African. 134, American, 185, Irish, 15, 16. 179, 386-390, Italian, (witch-dances) 8

' Medicine '-bag of the North Ameri- can Indians, its contents. 346

Mediterranean Sea, connected with Aphrodite, 264

Melanesia, no totems in, 153, temple tabu at Tahiti, 344

Melanippus, image of, lent to Kleis- thenes, 337

Meleagraunce, see Melwas

Melusina, and the snake stones of Southern India, 285

Melwas, and the rescue of Guinevere, 300

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