Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 8, 1897.djvu/462

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Greek, 262, 263, 367, animal, in Babylonia, 357, animal substituted for human in Greece, 262, horse- sacrifice, a suggestion, 71, Aryan, bargain element in, 360, communion with the divine by means of, 46, 325, 349, earliest occasion and object, 325, 349, human, agri- cultural, 44, 46, 47, 48, 263, of Christian children by Jews, (alleged) 276, traces of human, in India, 334, alleged Italian modern, 374, propitiatory, 275, psychology of, 44-48, in relation to changelings, 47, in relation to priesthood, 66, in Southern India, modern, 352, symbolic, 73, thres- hold, 54

Sacrificial features in Oxfordshire seasonal festivals, 316

Saint Anastasio, medals of, to avert infection and Evil Eye, 8

Saint Barbato, destroys the walnut tree of Benevento, i

Saint Columba, see Columkille

Saint Crispin's Day, and ball game,


Saint Cuthbert, his abode, 68

Saint George and the Prince of Para- dise, 70

Saint John's Day, prophecy concern- ing, 236

Saint John's Eve, Italian witchcraft powerless on, 8

Saint Nathalan, feast of, and ball game, 74

Saint Oswald, German poem, 294

Saint Patrick and the destruction of Crom Cruaich. 44, and Crom Dubh, 368

Saint Paul, conversion of, feast in connection with witches, 2

Saint Stephen's Day, 291

Saint Ubaldo, rite of, 346

Saints, the, in relation to survivals of paganism, 275, 337

Sala, consort of Babylonian sun-god, false arms of image, 341

Salagrama stone, the holy, how en- shrined, 345

Salamis, battle of, and the --Kakid idols, 337

Salt as cure for scalds or burns, 388, as protection against Evil Eye, 8, unlucky to lend, (Irish) 14

Samas, Babylonian sun-god, 358

Samfiuctts tiigra, (herb) as cure for epilepsy, 389

Samhla. (a likeness) 206

Samoan god, a, his emblems, 352, Tui Tokelau, annually shown, 355

Samos, and the stolen image of Hera, 338

Sanas, a warning light, 205

Sand in connection with Evil Eye, 8

Saobhadh, (a superstition or foolish- ness) 205, 213, 220

Sarma, Pandit Bhagwan Das, A Folktale from Kumaon, 181

Satin Frock, the, a Yorkshire folk- tale, by S. O. Addy, 394

Saturday, in relation to witchcraft, 3

Saturnus, chained image of at Rome, 342

Savage association of power with size, 277, sense of the ridiculous, 364

Savitar, Babylonian sun-god, 341

Saxo, his name for Plamlet's father, 290, 291, tale of Alf and Alfhild, 297. 303. tale of Syritha a parallel of Rapunzel, 299

Scalds and burns, cures for, 388

Scandinavia, (see Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), ball play in, 174, the columns of Ingolf, 178, legends of images, 333, of devil- binding, 347

Scarlatina, cure for, 390

Scarlet fever, cure for, 386

Scawby feast, local joke on, 365

Scholiast to the Iliad, the, tjuoted on the imprisonment of Ares, 349, 350

Scotland, folklore of, Argyllshire folklore, 297, Ball games at Scone and elsewhere. 74, 173, Death and Funeral customs or beliefs, Corpse- Candles, 205, various names for, 205, modern instances, 210, 240, distinct from the ' dreug,' 241, Ghost Lights of the West High- lands, 203, Burning dead men's bedding, 206, Will-o'-the-Wisp in, 215, 220, 221, Drowning peats after giving fire, 220, ' Goodman's croft.' 284. good people, euphemism for fairies, 285, Hebridean folklore, 380: Evil eye, charm for, 92, Hills appropriated to clans, 208. Marriage, favourite day for, 92 ; Medicinal folklore, 390, Witclicraft, precau- tions against, 220