Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 8, 1897.djvu/47

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Annual Report of the Council. 25

Another interesting feature of the June meeting was the exhibition by Mr. J. B. Andrews of a number of charms obtained by him from a professional witch at Naples, and generously presented to the Society. The Society is under much obligation to Dr. Gregor and Mr. Andrews, and also to Miss Eyre, Miss Ffennell, Mrs. Gomme, and Mr. Higgens, who have during the past year exhibited objects of interest.

It is under the consideration of the Council, when funds permit, to prepare a scientific index to the Transactions of the Society, and they hope next year to be in a position to lay a scheme before the Society.

The Council are glad to be able to report that good progress is being made with the proposed English Biblio- graphy of folklore, a considerable contribution towards the bibliography of books of travel containing folklore having been received from Mr. Naake, and substantial work done in the arrangement of the titles of works already catalogued.

During the year the Society has lost 4 members by death, while 24 have resigned. But as 30 new members have been elected, there is a slight increase in the year in the roll of members, which now stands at 379. The Council would emphasise the inadequacy of the number of members in view of the population and wealth of the Empire, and of the scientific importance of the study.

The accounts of the Society as audited are presented here- with, together with a statement of its assets and liabilities.

In accordance with the recommendation of the Council submitted to the annual meeting of the Society in 1894, which provided for automatic resignation at the close of a two years' term, Mr. Clodd, who has so ably occupied the presidential chair during the past two years, has not been nominated for re-election. The Council desire to take this opportunity of placing on record their high appreciation of his services, and to express a hope that they may for many years to come have the benefit of his experience and advice in carrying on the work of the Society.