Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 9, 1898.djvu/118

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All English books are published in London, all French books in
Paris, unless otherwise stated.


Asmus (F.) und O. Knoop. Sagen und Erzählungen aus dem Kreise Kolberg-Köslin. Kolberg. Post 8vo. v., 100 pp.
Bertrand (A.). Nos Origines. La Religion des Gaulois. E. Leroux.
Brown (R., Jun.). Semitic Influence in Hellenic Mythology, with special reference to the recent mythological works of the Right Hon. Prof. F. Max Müller and Mr. Andrew Lang. Williams and Norgate. Demy 8vo.

Cheetham (S.). The Mysteries, Pagan and Christian. Macmillan. 1897. 8vo. 168 pp.}}

De Groot (J. J. M.). The Religious System of China, its Ancient Forms, Evolutions, History, and present Aspect, Manners, Customs, and Social Institutions connected therewith. Vol. iii., Book i., Disposal of the Dead. Pt. iii.. The Grave. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 1897. 8vo. vi., 640 pp.
Dähnhardt (O.). Naturgeschichtliche Volksmärchen aus Nah und Fern. Leipzig: Teübner. 8vo. viii., 163 pp.
Drösihn (F.), K. Bolle und F. Polle. Deutsche Kinderreime und Verwandtes, vornehmlich in Pommern gesammelt. Leipzig: Teübner. 1897. 8vo. 209 pp.
Dubois (J. A.). Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies. Translated from the Author's later French MS. With Notes, Corrections, and Biography, by H. K. Beauchamp, and Preface by F. Max Müller. Oxford: Frowde. 1897. 2 vols. 8vo. 700 pp.