Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 9, 1898.djvu/181

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Minutes of Meeting.

TUESDAY, MARCH 16th, 1898.

The President (Mr. Alfred Nutt) in the Chair.

The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

The admission to membership of the Free Public Library New Jersey, U.S.A., was announced, also the resignation of Mr. G. W. Speth.

The following books presented to the Society were laid on the table, viz.: The Quarterly Review of the Polish Folklore Society, presented by the Society; Transactions of the Shropshire Archæological Society (Series II., vol. x., pt. i.), presented by the Society; Ethnological Studies among the North-West Central Queensland Aborigines, by W. E. Roth, presented by the Queensland Government.

Mrs. Gomme read a paper entitled "The Anthropological Value of Traditional Children's Games," and exhibited a number of lantern slides illustrative of her subject. In the discussion which followed Miss Lily Grove, Mr. W. Crooke, Mr. Brabrook, Mr. Tabor, Mr. Kirby, Mr. F. Green, Mr. Gomme, Mr. Higgens, and the President took part; and the Meeting concluded with a very hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Gomme for her paper.