Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 9, 1898.djvu/209

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soon as he appeared in the valley the Raja became cured of his terrible disease.

A fair, which lasts a week, is held annually in Sultanpur early in October. Each village in Kulu has its own particular godling; on this occasion all these are bound to go to the capital to pay their respects to Raghunâth, certain lands having been granted rent free to each temple on this condition ; these funds serve to support its attendants and supply food to the people of the respective villages who have accompanied their idol thither. The scene is a very gay one. All, both men and women, are dressed in their best, and wear necklaces of fresh-gathered marigold flowers, a plant extensively cultivated near their temples — orange-yellow being a sacred colour with the Hindus.

H. G. M. Murray-Aynsley.