Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 9, 1898.djvu/428

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hid ex.

division among aborigines of Australia, 320 ; taboos of, Australia, 326; India, 168, 169

Foot-race contest for Penelope, 100, 106

Foot-ball, riddle on, 261

Forfarshire, cattle driven through fire in, 216

" Foss Dyke "on Lincoln Minster and the Devil, 272-276

Fox, the, 78, 134

France, folklore of ; Brittany, 78 ; female monoliths in, 184; catch- words of, 261 ; magic dresses in, 129 ; marriage customs ; jus prima noctis in, 367 ; " Petit Bossu," tale of, 239 ; riddles in, 259, 260 ; sup- posed trace of sun-worship in, 284

French romance, old, connection with Celtic, 265, 267

Freya, 365

Friday, dough made on, lucky, Sicily, 258 ; hairdressing unlucky on, Scotland, and Sicily, 258

Friendship severed by breaking a straw, Syria, 18

Frue Ivirke, Copenhagen, why the wind blows by, 275

Gabhala, the, 55

Gaelic folklore, modern, its relation to that of old Britain, 271 ; traditional literature, 41, its homogeneity, 42, tendency, 43 ; area, 45, 56

Galahad, 266, 347 et seqq.

Games {^see Ambeel, and Football), beheading game in Gawain tale, 269; Greek games, the, 178; India, swinging game, 137 ; Lincolnshire May Day games, 365 ; Mexico, ball games of, 93

Ganges water in idol ceremonies, 277

Gardener, at Indian marriage, 141

Gardner, Dr. Percy, cited on the pseudo-archaism of Homeric poems,


Garland, May, in Lincolnshire, 276, 365 ; unfading, oriental chastity test, 131 Garter, in wedding rites, 128 Garths of the gods and kings, loi Gaul, ancient, sun worship in, 284 Gawain, legend of, compared with Cuchulinn, 265 266 ; in Mule sans Frein tale, 268 ; in the Green Knight tale, 270, 349 Geoffrey of Anjou, 357

Germany, folklore of {see Bergische Sagen), 69 ; catch-words of, 261 ; the Devil and the wind at Strasburg cathedral, 364 ; German folklore collectors, desiderata in their methods, 343 ; magic dresses in, 129 ; marchen and saga, difference between, 70 ; marriage customs, '•jus primae noctis" in, 367; riddles in, 259, 260 ; Substituted Bride theme in, 74 ; Wodan, saints sub- stituted for, in, 345

Gerrish, W. B., Christ's Half-Dole, an East Anglian fishing custom, 245, Kitty- Witches, 366

Geschichten ttnd Liedcr aiis den Neu- Aramdischen Handschriflen der K. Bibliothek zu Berlin, von Mark Lidzbarski, reviewed by F. C. Cony- beare, 165

Ghazi, India, Mohammedan mar- riage and betrothal customs of, 136

Ghost Stories ; the Meal Mill Ghost at Bragar, 87 ; the Tailor and the Chapel Ghost at Chanonry, 89 ; Theory of the Origin of God, 64

Ghosts, Australian belief in, 296 ; Cornish, tasks set to, 271 ; Danish folklore on, 213, and ghost-laying, 216 ; Scotland, fatal to speak to, 374; Skye, 278

Giants, Danish folklore, 213, 215 ; in Pageants, 84 ; Welsh, 337

Gippsland, Australia, beliefs of tribes

.^"' 313 .

Girdles in child-birth, 79 ; in Japanese wedding dress, 125 ; of straw round church for luck, 18

Gjellerup, Denmark, riddles of, col- lected by Kristensen. 197

Gladstone. Rt. Hon. W. E., obituary notice. 190

Glauce, her fatal robe, 126

Glaukos' garth, 102

Glen Dochart, pool at, curing mental ills, 377 ; how spoiled, 378 ; Esk, cattle driven through fire at, 216

Glennie, J. S. Stuart ; The Origin of Amazonian Matriarchy, 80

Glove burned by minister, Scotland,

377 Glossary of Indian native words in

Major McNair's paper, by W.

Crooke, 155 God, evolution of the idea of, 63 ;

A. Lang cited on, 292 ; origin of