Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 9, 1898.djvu/441

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Stephens, Prof., cited on connection of Tobit tale and Grateful Dead, 243

Sticks used for making sacred fire, 281

Stone-casting, underlying idea of 13, 15

Stones; Arthur's stone in Gower, 77; Dolmens, 34, 44, 77; Druidical, 87; put on tree trunk to detain Dryad, 342; weather-controlling, 278; as charms, 10, 12; serpent's stone, 86; at Lindholme, etc., legend of, 275; sacred, Druze, 15; female monoliths in Europe and India, 184, 185; Greek, 168, 278; and secular, distinction between, 161

Storm-controlling stones, 278

Strasburg Cathedral, the Devil and the wind at, 364

Strathkiness, witch of, 285

Straw, broken to signify broken friendship, 18; effigy of Judas Iscariot burned, 384; ropes, 368

Strings knotted, as calendar in India, 139; coloured, in marriage ceremony, 140

Studies on Biblical Subjects; No. 1, Babylonian Influence on the Bible and Popular Beliefs, "Tehom and Tiamat" "Hades and Satan." A Comparative Study of Genesis, 1, 2; by A. Smythe Palmer, reviewed by Prof. A. H. Sayce, 71

Suffolk, folklore of, 47, 366

Sugar ceremony in Indian marriage customs, 147

Suitors, the, of Penelope, 100, 107; probably a family or tribal council, 108; of kinsmen, 109, 119; their rights, 110, 112, 115, 117, 118

Sultanpur, brass image of Raghunath at, 184, 185

Sun-gods; Horus, 164; Ra, 163, 164, 165; Tum, 164

Sun-temple, Phœnician, at Old Beyrout, 9; worship, Egyptian, 163, 164; in relation to wheel ceremonies, 284

Sunrise propitious to cures by means of trees, 335

Sunday; sanctity in Highlands, 373; unlucky day on which to cut hair, 341

Superb warbler, in Australian folk-lore, 311

Supernatural, the, spontaneity of belief in, 160

Supernatural wife, tradition of, in Greek Isles, 341

Superstition, influence of, on crime, 255

Superstitions in Fife, by D. Hay Fleming, 285

Surrey, folklore of, the shrew ash, Richmond Park, 330

Sutherlandshire, folklore of, 372

Svayamvara, of Draupadi, meeting of the Kshatriya nobles, 108; or public contest for bride, 132

Swamp-hawk in Australian folklore, 311

Sweden, wealth of folklore in, 220

Sweeper, in Indian weddings, 143, 148

Swine and corn-grinding agreement, Ashton-under-Lyne, 380

Swinging games in India, 137

Swiss Folk-Lore Society, 78

Syra, death of aged people in, 114

Syrian bridal veils, 125

Syrian folklore, 3, 165

Sympathetic magic, 279

Taboos; of food, Australia, 264; India, 168; of green, in wedding dress, 126; Greek taboos, 168; right hand, use of, tabooed, Australia, 327; women tabooed, 180, 252, 253, 297, 327

Tailor, the, and the Ghost of Chanonry, 89

Talismans, 256

Tantalus, why punished, 316

Tatooing, in India, 169; in the Lebanon, 18

Tasmania, natives of, 98

Taylor, Thos., translation of Pausanias, referred to, 174

Tĕhōm, 71

Teine Elgin, or fire cure for cattle (ill), 280

Telemachus, son of Odysseus, 100, 109, 110; his garth, 102; his mother's dowry, in; his succession, 115; the Suitors' conspiracy against, 120

Teutonic invasions of Britain, influence on literature, 34, 35, 44, 47

Theddora tribe, Australia, divinity of, 295, 296

Thiele's collections of Danish folk-lore, 195, 220

Thorpe, B., the story of the King of