Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 9, 1898.djvu/8

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W. C. Borlase's The Dolmens of Ireland. Alfred Nutt 53
Grant Allen's The Evolution of the Idea of God 63
Andrew Lang's Modern Mythology 67
E. H. Meyer's Deutsche Volkskunde 69
P. Arfert's Das Motiv von der unterschobenen Braut . . 70
A. Smythe Palmer's Babylonian Infiuetice on the Bible and
Popular Beliefs. A. H. S. . . . . 71
R. Loewe's Die Reste der Germanen am Schivarzen Meere . 74
B. C. A. Windle's Life in Early Britain . . 75
Ferd. Freiherr von Andrian's Ueber Wortaberglauben . 77
P. Scbillot's Petite Légende Dorée de la Haute Bretagne . 78
A. M. Alcover's Aplech de Rondayes Mallorquines . .158
D. G. Brinton's Religions of Primitive Peoples . . 158
A. Wiedemann's Religion of the Ancient Egyptians. Prof. Sayce, M.A. 163
M. Lidzbarski's Geschichten und Lieder aus den neu-aramäischen Handschriften der K. Bibliothek zu Berlin. F. C. Conybeare, M.A. 165
W. Crooke's The Tribes and Castes of the North-Western Provinces and Oudh 167
J. G. Frazer's Pausanias's Description of Greece 172
V. W. Newell's King Arthur and the Table Round. Alfred Nutt 181
E. Durkheim's L'Année Sociologique 251
A. Löwenstimm's Aberglaube und Strafrecht 255
J. A. Trombatore's Folk-lore Catanese 257
G. Pitre's Indovinelli, Dubbi, Sciogli-lingua del Popolo Siciliano 258
W. E. Roth's Ethnological Studies among the North-West-Central Queensland Aborigines. F. C. Conybeare, M.A. 261
Jessie L. Weston's The Legend of Sir Gawain. Prof. W. P. Ker, M.A. 265
W. M. Flinders Petrie's Religion and Conscience in Ancient Egypt. Prof. Sayce, M.A. 337
J. Macgowan's A History of China 340
H. Hauttecoeur's Le Folklore de l'Ile de Kiphnos and L'Ile de Siphnos 341
Otto Schell's Bergische Sagen 342
W. Kroll's Antiker Aberglaube 343
H. Pedersen's Zur Albanesischen Volkskunde 344
R. Inward's Weather Lore 344
F. Drosihn's Deutsche Kinderreime und Verwandtes 345
E. Wechssler's Die Sage vom Heiligen Graal. Jessie L. Weston 346


Bells. M. P. . . . . . . .79