Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review Volumes 32 and 33.djvu/201

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SL George and the Dragon. 189

Fool. Coxcomb ? I defy that name,

And with a sword thou ought to be stabbed for the same. St. George. To be stabbed is the least I fear.

Mark me the time and place, and I'll meet you there. Fool. I'll cross the water at the hour of five ;

I'll meet thee there, sir, if I be alive.

And if you don't believe the words I say.

Step in, Beelzebub, and clear the way.

[Enter Beelzebub.)

Beelzebub. In comes I, old Beelzebub, Over my shoulder I carry a club. In my right hand a dripping-pan ; And I reckon mysen a jolly old man. If you don't believe the words I say. Step in, Devil Doubt, and clear the way.

{Or, in place of Beelzebub, there is a man with blacked face dressed in woman's clothes, called Slip-Slop.) Slip-Slop. Here comes I, old Slip-Slop,

My mother turned me out for stealing mop :

Stealing mop is a very bad trick,

She sent me to Old Nick

To lead coal and stick.

Now, ladies and gentlemen,' if you don't believe the

words I say. Enter Little Devil Doubt and clear the way.

[Enter Devil Doubt loith a brush.)

Devil Doubt. In comes I, Little Devil Doubt,

If you don't give me money I'll sweep you all out : Money I want and money I crave, If you don't give me money I'll sweep you all to your srave.