Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review Volumes 32 and 33.djvu/540

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theory which may be found in Nider's Formicarium.[1] Broomsticks, again, and their magical use carry us back beyond the Middle Ages to Lucian[2] and the flying ointment to Apuleius.[3] It is pleasant to have an analysis of the latter and to learn its physiological properties; but more entertaining still would it be to learn the prescription for that which Fotis gave to Lucius by mistake for it.

The Sema Nagas. By J. H. Hutton, C.I.E., M.A., I.C.S. Published by direction of the Assam Administration. London: Macmillan & Co. 1921. Price 40s. net.

In the December No. of Folk-Lore (vol. xxxii., 4, p. 280) Dr. Crooke reviewed The Angami Nagas, by Mr. Hutton. I now have the pleasure of calling attention to The Sema Nagas by the same author; it is almost unprecedented that two books of such first-class importance should be published in the same year by one author. The book is in many respects a model of what can and should be done by a Government official. Mr. Hutton disclaims the title of anthropologist, but we know of many books written by people who claim to be anthropologists which are less embracing and thorough than the one under consideration. All aspects of the ethnography of the people are dealt with, and adequately illustrated by sketches or photographs, a third of the book being taken up with the description of their origin, appearance, and domestic arts and crafts; the effects of "contact metamorphism" are also indicated. In the carefully considered section on social life we find that the Sema Nagas

  1. Malleorum, etc., i. p. 712.
  2. Lucian, Philopseudes, 35. Cf. the magic arrow upon which Abasis rode through the air (Porphyry, Vit. Pythag., 29).
  3. Apuleius, Metamorphoses, iii. 21 foll.