Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review Volumes 32 and 33.djvu/549

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Reviews. 239

writer has been led aside into too many premature comparisons with deceptively similar observances among peoples in a very different stage of culture. He has also sacrificed much space to criticisms of Sir James Frazer's theories on the Evolution of the Kingship. But our knowledge of ancient Hindu polity is not yet nearly ripe for it to be made the basis of any really useful comparisons, much less of criticisms of wide hypotheses. Mr. Law's book is lucidly written, accurately printed, and well- indexed. We look forward to a new and expanded edition as the knowledge of Sanskrit progresses. Mr. Law will also, we hope, give us a book on the later developments of Hindu political theory.

H. A. Rose.

Books for Review should be addressed to

The Editor of Folk-Lore,

c/o WiLLi.\M Glaisher, Ltd.

365 High Holeorn, London, W.C. i