Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review Volumes 32 and 33.djvu/734

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Goddess : cult of, in Algeria, 192. (iods : Egyptian, paintings of,

161 ; of Bantu-speaking Tribes,

Cameroons, 375 et seqq. Gorgon, the : images of, 339. Grail, the : and Glastonbury, 116

et seqq. Greek poets : Colour Symbolism

in, 153- Grierson, Sir G. A. : on Dragons'

teeth, blood falling on the

ground, 380 et seq. Grimble, A. : Gilbert Island

IMyths, gi et seq. Gypsy Lore Society : Journal of,


Haddon, Dr. A. C. : Re\-iew of J. H. Hutton, The Se>iia Nagas, 232 et seqq.

Halliday, Prof. W. R. : on Snake stones, 118 et seq. ; Review of Miss M. A. IMurray. The Witch Cult in Western Europe, 224 et seqq.

Hare, the : catching at Coleshill, 122 ; witch turned into, 213.

Harris, Dr. J. Rendel : on A Recent Twin-Murder in South Africa, 214 e< seqq.

Hartland, Dr. E. S. : Review of P. Saintyves, L' Eternnement et le Baillement dans la Magie, L'Ethnographie et le Folk-Lore Medical, 127 et seq. ; Review of Spencer, Sir B., Presidential Address Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, 413 ct seq.

Headache, cured by skull measure- ments, Connacht Coast, 395 ct seq.

Heaven : belief regai-ding, Eghap tribe, 362.

Herakles : weapon of, dedicated,

343- Herbals : folklore in, 243 et seqq.,


Herbs : fumigation with, 248 et seq. ; protective powers of, 250 et seq. ; ceremonies in picking and administering, 203 et seq.

Hilton- Simpson, Mr. W. : Some Notes on the Folklore of the Algerian Hills and Desert, 170 et seqq.

Hindu Colour Symbolism, 159.

Hocart, A. M. : on Myths in the Making, 57 ei seqq. ; the Origin of Monotheism, 282 et seqq.

Hodson, T. C. : Review of Ja'far Sharif, Islam in India, 126 et seq.

Horns : Colour Symbolism of, .163 et seq.

Horse : the disguise of a witch,

307- House : articles thrown over, 42

et seq. ; empty, a resort of the

Jinn, 173. Hudspeth, W. H. : on the Cult

of the Door in South-West

China, 406 et seqq. Human saciifice : in India, 124. Hunchback, a : cure of. Isle of

Skye, 203. Hutton, J. H. : On the Use of the

Bow by Nagas, 305 et seq. ;

Folktales from the Naga Hills,

397 ei seqq.

Illness : result of, foretold, 183 seq.

Inanimate things and the roof, 52 seq.

Incarnations ; successive, 285 seqq.

India : rebirth in, 24 seq. ; human sacrifice, 124 ; Colour Symbol- ism, 143 seqq. ; deification of ascetics, 287 ; the Kern Bab)-, 317 seq.

Indian Antiquary, the, 119 seq.

Iphitos : the quoit of, 352 5^(7.

Isle of Skye ; folklore of, 201 seqq-, 307 seqq.

Jade in China, 319 seqq.

Jenkinson, Mrs. C. : Review of Dr. Courtenay Dunn, The Natural History of the Child, 129.

Jinn, the: 171 seqq.; easily pro- voked, 173 seq. ; subject to death, 174 ; injure health of mortals, 174 seq. ; of Jewish faith, 179 ; exorcism of, 182 seq.

Kava drinking, 60.

Keiller, A. : on Witchcraft in

Scotland, 303. Kern Baby, the : in India, 317

seq. Kerr, Mrs. I\I. : on Children's

Games and the L3'ke Wake,

299 seq.