Page:Folk-lore of the Holy Land.djvu/122

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most of seven chambers, in the most inaccessible of her castles, with guards at the gates day and night, to prevent any one from getting near it. But all these precautions were vain, for Suleymân, wishing one day to convince her of the power of the name of Allah, by invoking that name, had the throne transported to Jerusalem in less time than it takes to relate.[1]

When all was ready he sent for the queen to come and see his fine new building. On entering she was surprised to behold the king upon a throne which seemed to be set, like that of Allah, on the face of the waters. In order to get to her own throne, at his side, she perceived that she would have to wade, so she lifted up her skirts, exposing her feet and legs almost up to the knees. The next moment showed her mistake, but, as shoes and stockings were unknown in those days, Suleyman had seen that her feet were human feet, but yet her legs were covered with shaggy hair, like a young donkey’s. Having converted her to the true religion, Suleyman called together all the learned for counsel how to remove that extraordinary growth of hair. “Let her shave,” was the unanimous suggestion. “No!” roared Suleyman in anger, “she might cut herself, and the hair would only grow again.” He drove the learned forth, and convoked the Jân, who either could not or would not help him. In despair, he finally asked help from real devils, who told him to build the above-mentioned bath-house for the queen’s use, and also taught him how to concoct a depilatory,

  1. He did this, of course, before her conversion. It is a sin to play tricks upon a woman who is a true believer.