Page:Folk-tales of Bengal.djvu/117

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"How, mow, khow!
A human being I smell;
Who watches inside?"

Sahasra Dal again replied —

"Sahasra Dal watcheth,
Champa Dal watcheth,
Two winged horses watch."

The Rakshasi again groaned and went away. At two o'clock and at three o'clock the Rakshasi again and again made her appearance, and made the usual inquiry, and obtaining the same answer, went away with a groan. After three o'clock, however, Sahasra Dal felt very sleepy: he could not any longer keep awake. He therefore roused Champa, told him to watch, and strictly enjoined upon him, in reply to the query of the Rakshasi, to mention Sahasra's name first. With these instructions he went to sleep. At four o'clock the Rakshasi again made her appearance, thundered at the door, and said—

"How, mow, khow!
A human being I smell;
Who watches inside?"

As Champa Dal was in a terrible fright, he forgot the instructions of his brother for the moment, and answered—