Page:Fond mother's garland.pdf/6

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As her Bubbies went up her plump Buttocs went down
So the Wheels seem'd to stand, and the Waggon go round.
  O brave Roger, &c.

Thus too and again to our Pastime we went,
And my Cards I play'd fairly to Jenny's Content,
I work'd at her Pump 'till the Sucker was dry,
And then I left pumping, a good Reason why.
  O poor Roger, broken back'd Roger, &c.

I thought e'er we parted to have t'other Blow,
When slap went the Waggon Wheel into a Slough,
Which shatter'd her very much out of Repain,
Then Roger's Pump Handle run the Devil knows where,
  O poor Roger, broken back'd Roger, &c.

The Answer.

AS Robin was Driving his Waggon along,
The Trees in full Bloom, and the Birds in full song;
The yelolw Corn nodded, and wav'd to and fro,
To his Team he kept Whistling,
  With geehup, geewoa, &c.

A Maid he over took, and he walk'd by her Side,
The Road was too dusty, he ask'd her to ride;
Then lifted her up, she lay at her Ease,
He begg'd to ligg by her, she laid if you please.
  Geehup Robin, &c.

His Waggon he stop'd, and his Leg o'er her laid,
Oh! what are your doing? then whisper'd the Maid,
She struggl'd, she threaten'd, she vow'd she'd begone,
'Till fainter and fainter she cry'd out, Drive on,
  Drive on Robin, geeho, geeho.
