Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/102

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Where two affiliated Associations cover the same area the permission must be obtained from the Senior Association.

29. Players are either amateur or professional.[1] Any player registered with this Association as a professional, or receivings remuneration or consideration of any sort above his necessary hotel and travelling expenses actually paid, shall be considered to be a professional. Training expenses not paid by the players themselves will be considered as remuneration beyond necessary travelling and hotel expenses. Amateur players receiving any payment must give a written receipt for the same, stating" particulars of expenses, and secretaries must produce such receipt to the Council of this Association at any time if required to do so. If an amateur player is engaged by a Club in any capacity for which he receives remuneration, the Club may be required to prove, to the satisfaction of the Association, that his services as a player do not affect the amount of remuneration paid to him. Players competing for any money prizes in football contests shall be considered professionals.[2] When a player is registered as a professional, he at once loses his status as an amateur. When an amateur player is injured whilst playing football, he shall, upon obtaining the consent of this Association, or the local affiliated Association, be entitled to receive his doctor's fees, or the proceeds of any benefit match, subscription or collection, without losing his amateur status.[3] Where two affiliated Associations cover the same area, the permission must be obtained from the Senior Association.

30. Every professional shall be registered on form G. Each form, after all particulars have been filled in, including the date of signature, must be signed by the professional (his signature being attested), and returned to the Secretary of this Association within five days of such signature.[4] Except as

  1. See note on page 65.
  2. Wages paid by an Amateur Club to a trainer are training expenses within the meaning of Rule 29.
  3. No player (except under provisions of Rule 29) is entitled to take the proceeds of a benefit match until he has been registered as a professional. It is misconduct for any Association or Club, or any player, official, or member of any Association or Club, to offer or attempt to offer, either directly or indirectly, any consideration whatever to another Club, player, or players of any other Club, with a view to influence the result of a match. It is misconduct for any Club, player, or players to accept any such consideration.
  4. Professional Registration forms signed on a Sunday are not valid. It is an offence for a Club to induce a player to sign on a Sunday. The