Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/106

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Council of this Association, or on the Committee of any Association, League, or Club, or represent his own or any other Association, League, or Club at any football meeting. When any person gives notice in writing to the Secretary of this Association that he has ceased to play football, the Council may, if they think fit, exempt such person from the operation of this Rule.

38. An amateur player may in writing intimate to the Secretary of this Association the Clubs for which he is a playing member, and lists shall be published. Without at least forty-eight hours' notice to the Clubs of which he is a member, no Club or Official of any Club shall induce or attempt to induce a bonâ fide player of any Club to become a professional, or leave his club until the end of the current season. A bonâ fide player is one who has played for his club during the current season or who has intimated to the Secretary of the Association as provided by this Rule.

39. An amateur player may be insured by his Club against accidents which occur during play. The insurance must be effected with a recognized Assurance Company.

40. In International Matches the qualification shall be birth. In the case of British subjects born abroad, their nationality shall be decided by the nationality of their fathers. In County and District Association Matches a player may only represent one County Association and one District Association in the same season, and he must be a bonâ fide member of a Club belonging to the County or District Association for which he plays.

41. The knickerbockers worn by players must be long enough to reach the knee.

42. Players, officials, and spectators are only allowed to take part in or attend matches on condition that they observe the Rules, Regulations, and Bye-laws of this Association, and every affiliated Association or Club is required to observe and enforce such Rules, Regulations, and Bye-laws.

43. Every Association or Club is responsible to the Council for the action of its players, officials, and spectators, and is required to take all precautions necessary to prevent spectators threatening or assaulting officials and players during or at the conclusion of matches. No official of an Association or Club, Referee, Linesmen, or player shall bet on any Football Match, and Associations and Clubs are also required to prevent betting and the use of objectionable language by spectators. In the case of a breach of this Rule, any player, official, or spectator