Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/108

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think fit. No suspended player or member of any Association or Club so suspended or removed from this Association shall be eligible for membership of any other Association or Club belonging to this Association without the special permission of the Council. The Council may also order offending Clubs to pay all expenses incurred in hearing the case.[1]

46. The Association shall be entitled to publish in the public press, or in any other manner it shall think fit, reports of its proceedings, acts, and resolutions, whether the same shall or shall not reflect on the character or conduct of any club, official, player, or spectator, and every such club, official, player, or spectator shall be deemed to have assented to such publication.

47. Appeals from the decisions of Affiliated Associations may be made to the Council, but the operation of such decisions shall not be suspended pending the hearing of an appeal unless the Council so order. Every appeal under this rule must be accompanied by a deposit of £10. On the hearing of the appeal the Council shall have power to vary, reverse, reduce, or increase the penalty imposed by the Affiliated Association. No appeal shall be entertained unless the Council is satisfied that the decision of the Affiliated Association is contrary to the

  1. A player shall not act as linesman or referee during suspension. The Rules of the Association are sufficient to enable the Council, as the governing authority, to deal with all cases of misconduct, or failure to carry out the terms of professional players* engagements, and the Council are of opinion that legal proceedings should only be taken as a last resource, and then only with the previous consent of the Council. Any professional player, whilst under suspension by the Council for breach of rules, shall not receive any wages or money from his Club without the consent of the Council. It is misconduct for any Association or Club, or any player, official, or member of any Association or Club to offer or attempt to offer, either directly or indirectly, any consideration whatever to another Club, player, or players of any other Club, with a view to influence the result of a match. It is misconduct for any Club, player, or players to accept any such consideration. Without permission of the referee, no person shall be allowed on the field of play during a match other than the linesmen and players. Any player leaving the field during the progress of a game (except through accident) without the consent of the referee, will be deemed guilty of misconduct, and will render himself liable to be penalised under Rule 45. Any suspension of a ground prohibits the Club from playing within a radius of six miles of its ground.